Beef Booth

South Dakota Cattlemen's Association Beef Booth
Each year, SDCA hosts a Beef Booths at DakotaFest in Mitchell SD. This event is a great opportunities to get involved within the association, promote beef and raise funds to support the associations goals and mission.
Post Pay Beef Booth tickets are a great way for businesses or other organizations to purchase meal tickets for employees, families, or have on hand to give to their customers. They only pay for the tickets turned in after the event. For those looking for a savings, Pre-Pay tickets are available at a reduced cost paid up front.
In addition to the Post and Pre-Pay options, some businesses request to print their own tickets that allow ticket holders to choose from multiple food vendors. We encourage those businesses to include SDCA as one of their vendor choices and SDCA has guidelines to print your own tickets.
We are looking for volunteers (SDCA affiliates/members, FFA Chapters, civic/youth groups, or others) to help serve delicious beef sandwiches at the SDCA Beef Booth at DakotaFest. We will contribute a donation to civic and youth groups that provide at least 3 volunteers for a shift in exchange for your community service!