
The South Dakota Cattlemen's Association is proud to partner with organizations within the beef industry and agriculture in South Dakota and across the nation.

Ag United

Agriculture United for South Dakota is a coalition of farm organizations with a goal of keeping family farms and ranches growing. Founding organizations of AUSD includes the South Dakota Cattleman's Association, the South Dakota Corn Growers Association, South Dakota Farm Bureau, South Dakota Pork Producers Council, and the South Dakota Soybean Association. The South Dakota Dairy Producers joined the group in 2009 followed by the South Dakota Poultry Industries Association in 2010.

Ag United works toward promoting and advancing farm and ranch families and rural communities with four guiding principles:

  • Developing communications on the connection between farm life and South Dakota's economic and social well-being.
  • Engaging those who do not tell the truth about agriculture and food production.
  • Educating consumers about the importance of food production.
  • Providing assistance to South Dakota farmers and ranchers.


Initiated in 1898, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association is the marketing organization and trade association for America's one million cattle farmers and ranchers. With offices in Denver and Washington, D.C. NCBA is a consumer-focused, producer-directed organization representing the largest segment of the nation's food and fiber industry.

South Dakota Ag Land Trust

SDALT is a joint effort of the South Dakota Cattlemen‘s Association,  South Dakota Grasslands Coalition, South Dakota Conservation Districts, and South Dakota Farm Bureau. We are farmers and ranchers who understand the conservation needs of South Dakota‘s agricultural community.

South Dakota Beef Industry Council

The South Dakota Beef Industry Council is the qualified state beef council responsible for the management of the states Beef Checkoff program. The SD Beef Industry Council has 24 board members that work together through committees to direct the one-dollar Beef Checkoff. Each member is selected by and serves on behalf of the 8 partner organizations, including the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association, making up the SD Beef Council.

South Dakota Cattlemen‘s Auxiliary

The South Dakota Cattlemen's Auxiliary works to communicate about and promote beef to the public through many consumer events and outreach efforts. Auxiliary members include farm and ranch women, industry representatives, and beef advocates.

Learn more and become a member here


South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation

The South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation facilitates the generosity of the beef industry to educate and build trust with the states consumers, ensuring the industry's long-term viability.

The South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation joined forces with Feeding South Dakota to create their signature event, Prime Time Gala + Concert. The goal of this event is to not only raise critical funds for Feeding South Dakotas mission by providing more beef to food insecure families throughout the state but also to support the long- term viability of the beef industry by promoting the nutritional benefits of beef consumption and value of modern production. Since hosting the first Prime Time Gala + Concert in June. The South Dakota Cattlemen's Foundation has donated over $2.4 million for Feeding South Dakota.