
  • Policy Committees are established by the Board of Directors and the President appoints a chairperson. Affiliates, councils, and any current members may submit policy proposals to the Association for referral to the appropriate committee of the Association. The policy committees must accept and consider all proposed policy on state and national matters coming from an affiliate member association, a council, an individual current member, or the Board of Directors.

  • These committees may meet prior to the annual meeting to consider and act on any policy recommendations. Policy committees report to the Resolution Committee and then present to the membership at the annual business meeting for consideration and approval. 

  • Policy resolutions approved by the membership are valid for 5 years. At that point each policy committee will review those resolutions set to expire and vote to renew, amend, or allow to expire.  

Ag & Food PolicyAnchor

Chair: Troy Hadrick 

The Ag & Food Policy Committee considers policy to ensure cattlemen are being represented and their needs addressed in law and regulation. This committee also considers federal and state budget issues

Cattle Health & Well-beingAnchor

Chair: Broc Mauch

The Cattle Health & Wellbeing Committee considers issues that impact the health and quality care of cattle to ensure consumers receive sale and wholesome beef products. 

Live Cattle MarketingAnchor

Chair: Britton Blair 

The Live Cattle Marketing Committee develops policy to ensure live cattle marketing, grading, and transportation issues are addressed in an effective manner, allowing the beef industry to maximize profitability while consistently meeting consumer needs and increasing market share. Policy may include risk management; prompt payment for livestock and meat; effective regulation of weights and weighing practices; market news and statistical reports and reporting practices; packers and stockyards regulations; anti-trust enforcement; and beef grading and transportation.

Tax & CreditAnchor

Chair: Austin Havlik

The Tax & Credit Committee develops policy on issues related to taxes, banking and credit.

International MarketsAnchor

Chair: Drew Edleman

The International Markets Committee ensures that international marketing initiatives and trade policy are integrated, provides direction and support for USMEF activities, and coordinates with the U.S. market and global market to maximize opportunities. Policies developed by the committee are designed to:

  1. Foster a positive regulatory and legislative climate to ensure the U.S. beef industry benefits;
  2. Maintain access to international markets for beef, beef by-products, cattle, semen, embryos; and
  3. Increases access and acceptance of U.S. beef in international markets.

Property Rights & Environmental ManagementAnchor

Chair: Devin Stephens

The Property Rights & Environmental Management Committee develops policy to ensure property rights and environmental issues are identified and managed effectively and efficiently, thereby avoiding an adverse effect on beef purchases.The industry’s strategic guidance and policy should involve consideration of methods for interacting with Congress,the executive branch, and the media.

Federal LandsAnchor

Chair: Carl Sanders 

The Federal Lands Committee considers policy using historical means and new data to provide for a viable  cattle industry on federal lands. 
